Join the Dryden Dispensary Rewards Program
& Start Earning Today!
Want to get the most out of your Dryden Dispensary experience?
Join our rewards program and unlock a world of exclusive benefits!
It's free and easy to sign up, just ask our budtender at the register during your next visit.
Here's what you'll get as a Rewards Member:
Exclusive Deals:
Be the first to know about special promotions and discounts available only to Rewards Members.
New Products & Reviews:
Stay up-to-date on the latest strains, edibles, and concentrates.
Plus, get access to insider reviews and recommendations.
2% Back On All Purchases:
Earn points on every purchase and watch your rewards grow.
Redeem your points for discounts on future purchases!
$5 Welcome Bonus:
Just for signing up, you'll get a $5 credit to use on your next purchase of $25 or more.
Ambassador Program:
Share the love and get rewarded! Refer a friend & you'll both receive
$5 off a future purchase of $25 or more.